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2021 International CPTED Association International Conference

Main Organiser

International CPTED Association

2 November 2021 - 4 November 2021

Online Conference

Website Link


The ICA (International CPTED Association), the Safer Sweden Foundation, and the City of Helsingborg, Sweden, have released a call for abstracts for presentations at the 2021 ICA International Conference. The theme of this conference is Why CPTED? Creating liveable environments. Guided by this theme, delegates will gain a better understanding of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and have the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences, discuss successes and pitfalls, and consider ways of integrating CPTED into their efforts to create safer communities. This theme is relevant to those who are only just starting to explore CPTED, experienced researchers and practitioners, representatives from government and non-governmental organisations, and the general public interested in creating safer and more liveable environments.

Event description directly from the source.

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Conference Partners

Safer Sweden Foundation

City of Helsingborg

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