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Africa Waste is Wealth 2024

Main Organiser

Taka Taka Ni Mali

8 October 2024 - 9 October 2024

Nairobi, Kenya

Hybrid event

Website Link

The Africa Waste is Wealth Series (AWWS) is a series of high-level regional conferences convened by Taka Taka Ni Mali, the East African Business Council, and the Alliance for Science. The series is informed by Taka Taka ni Mali’s program under Transform (FCDO, Unilever, and Ernst and Young), accelerated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s Accelerator Lab. The conference for this year will be held both in person and online and is free to attend. Attendees can join from wherever they are in the world!

Event description based directly on the source.

Conference Partners

East African Business Council

Alliance for Science

Event Location

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