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City profiles: Governing climate change in Johannesburg, Mumbai, Karachi & Jakarta

Main Organiser

Gauteng City Region Observatory (GCRO)

29 November 2022

10:30 - 12:00


Website Link

Cities across South and Southeast Asia and Africa will face unique developmental and social challenges in the coming decades as rapid urbanization confronts rising environmental pressures. 

While each ‘Southern’ city presents unique socio-environmental dilemmas, certain commonalities bind them together. Informality, stretched municipal capacity, limited resources and a set of environmental and economic justice issues will rear their heads as state governments and municipalities across geographies wrestle with them. 

This seminar will bring together a set of researchers working across Southern geographies to shed light on what cities are doing to tackle climate change and other core environmental issues. They will dive into both successes and failures in different cities’ approaches and discuss what they can learn from each other, and also what they have in common.

Event description is based directly on the source.

Conference Partners

Artha Global

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Karachi Urban Lab

Nanyang Technological University

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