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Design Week South Africa (Cape Town)

Main Organiser

Design Week

24 October 2024 - 27 October 2024

Cape Town


Website Link

Design Week South Africa, powered by Yoco, is a curated calendar of events and immersive experiences showcasing the future of South African design through knowledge-sharing, inclusivity, and support.

Together with Yoco, their mission is to create South Africa’s leading design platform. This platform celebrates design as an expression of creative thinking and making, creates connections, jumpstarts collaborations, and cultivates the next generation of creative leaders.

They aim to boost the local creative economy with an industry-led approach that increases public knowledge, awareness, and appreciation of design while generating and collecting open-source data around local design sectors.

Yoco builds financial tools and solutions for businesses of all sizes and kinds. They understand and celebrate the crucial role the creative industry plays in the economy and society as a whole. Yoco proudly supports Design Week South Africa, celebrating many creative entrepreneurs through this platform.

Image and event description based directly on source.

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