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Indigenous Peoples Forests Governance: A fundamental strategy in preserving forests and reducing carbon emissions

Main Organiser

Land Portal

22 April 2021


Website Link

Join the Ford Foundation, the Land Portal Foundation, the Tenure Facility and the Thomson Reuters Foundation for a webinar that provides an opportunity to review the report “Forest Governance by Indigenous and Tribal Peoples” by FAO and FILAC, and its main arguments. It will discuss how governments can move forward formal recognition of territorial rights to indigenous and tribal territories and their forests that have yet to receive such recognition while reaching an agreement with Indigenous and tribal traditional authorities about rules related to territorial planning and forest management, as well as coordinate actions to ensure those rules are respected. It will also debate how global and national plans for preventing deforestation, forest degradation and carbon emissions on Indigenous and tribal territories should ensure safe living conditions and channel new investments to support traditional livelihoods. This webinar will be a 90-minute session that will include a panel discussion and presentation and a Q&A with the audience. The webinar will take place in English and be simultaneously interpreted to Spanish, French and Portuguese.

This event is the first one of a series of webinars organised under the “Land Dialogues” series, a Tenure Facility, Land Portal, Ford Foundation and Thomson Reuters Foundation initiative promoting the importance of recognizing legal ownership of Indigenous Peoples and local communities land rights as a prerequisite for achieving national and international goals for forest governance, food security, climate mitigation, economic development, and human rights.

Abstract directly from the source.

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