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Karoo RSDF: Colloquim 4

Main Organiser

Karoo RSDF

18 June 2021

10:00 - 12:30


Website Link

The Karoo Region is a unique and awe-inspiring ecological, physical, social, cultural, and economic phenomenon stretching over four provinces in the South African landscape. The Karoo Regional Spatial Development Framework (RSDF) aims to apply regional-scale thinking, conceptualisation and planning to the region in order to: (1) harness the full development potential of the region in a sustainable and transformative way, and (2) address the shared, large-scale regional challenges, such as climate change, poverty, inequality, and unequal access to, and participation in the economy.

In this fifth of six events, the first draft proposals for the Karoo RSDF and Agriculture in Arid Areas will be presented.

Abstract directly from the source.


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