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The Eighth India Land and Development Conference

Main Organiser

FLAME University, Pune, India

5 November 2024 - 7 November 2024

FLAME University, Pune, India


Website Link

The India Land and Development Conference (ILDC) returns for 2024, bringing together industry experts, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders in land and development from around the world as an international conference.

Each year, ILDC highlights the critical role of land security in fostering inclusive and sustainable development, while also building resilience to climate change. The conference seeks innovative and thought-provoking contributions from individuals, institutions, and partnerships. Continuing the tradition of previous years, ILDC2024 will facilitate enriching interdisciplinary conversations through various formats including presentations, panel discussions, round tables, master classes, lightning talks, and focused conclaves.

In addition to intellectual deliberations, ILDC2024 will host pre- and post-conference events designed to foster networking among land actors from India and abroad. As India's premier platform for land professionals, ILDC attracts participants from government, civil society, academia, private sector, entrepreneurship, media, and international organizations. We invite proposals for papers, posters, displays, and sessions, as well as inquiries about partnerships and sponsorships.

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