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Urban Festival 2021: Rebuilt City

Main Organiser


27 October 2021 - 29 October 2021


Website Link

The Rebuilt City, the 2021 edition of the Urban Festival, aims to map new frameworks, relationships, possibilities and designs for how our cities will recover and rebuild amidst multiple crises.

Through dialogues, workshops, activations, social media and creative engagements, The Rebuilt City invites a South African and global conversation about how our cities and towns can re-energise their commitments to the New Urban Agenda by becoming more sustainable and resilient. Read the full Curator Statement here.

Register here to secure your place I would like to attend. 

In the weeks leading up to the main conference and World Cities Day, you will receive instructions on how to join, as well as updates on the programme and speakers so that you can plan your day. This event is free to attend thanks to our partners: the South African Cities Network, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, the Cities Support Programme, SALGA, the Department of Human Settlements (DoHs) and Our Future Cities.

Event description directly from the source.

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