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The State of Land Information in South Africa

Main Organiser

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research


1 October 2020


Website Link

What is the state of land information in South Africa? Is there really a lack of land data to support decisions and to improve land governance? This was the point of departure that a team of specialists grappled with to uncover the many different sources of land data and information available in South Africa. For the very first time, they attempted to systematically review and categorize the entire ecosystem of data and information related to key land topics in the country, assessing over 104 land datasets from 59 different sources. This robust scoping exercise is now documented in the report “State of Land Information in South Africa”, jointly published by the Land Portal Foundation and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.

For this webinar, we invited respondents from various sectors to reflect on the open data assessment for South Africa. We reflect on the power dynamics around open data. We invite you to discover the key findings of the report, and to discuss what challenges and opportunities still exist to promote openness, transparency and quality of land data as building blocks to improve governance and security of land tenure.

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