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Guide on Connecting Green Recovery and Resilience in Cities

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GIZ, Cities Alliance, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, Resilient Cities Network

04 February 2022


uKESA Librarian 3

Guide/ Handbook

Rwanda, Mauritania, Bangladesh

This newly released Guide on Connecting Green Recovery and Resilience in Cities stems from a collaboration between Cities Alliance, ICLEI, the Resilient City Network and GIZ, under the Resilient Cities Action Package 2021 (ReCAP21). It outlines three key entry points for local governments to move towards an urban transformation and a resilient recovery process, which is also green in nature. Together, these entry points provide local governments with the practical support to identify comprehensive solutions that range from finance and physical interventions to cultural practices and governance arrangements that may contribute to achieving more resilient societies.


The publication (available in PDF here) offers five practical tools for cities that cover topics from harmonising local government’s urban strategies to developing tailored risk assessments and climate-resilient interventions. It also showcases practical examples of how multilevel governance can be fostered through the implementation of local dialogues in Rwanda and Bangladesh.


The guide also offers four case studies in which the resilience assessment tools have been implemented in different settings and urban contexts, as well as highlights six projects that were submitted to ICLEI's Transformative Actions Program (TAP).


Abstract based on source.


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Built environment

Capacity building

Climate Change/Resilience


Environmental management


Human settlements






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