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Access to Urban Land

A handbook for community organisations

Article image

Urban LandMark

01 August 2008

Urban LandMark


Urban LandMark Librarian

Research report

Urban LandMark


During 2007, Urban LandMark organised a series of workshops across the country to document the experiences and views of community organisations about urban land issues. 


This booklet consists partly of an overview of the outcomes of these workshops and other research undertaken by Urban LandMark, and partly of information prepared in response to the information gaps identified in the workshops.


The booklet examines the causes of the urban land challenge in South Africa, and the human rights that are of relevance to accessing land. Practical steps that could potentially be used by community organisations to make these rights real are then discussed. Finally, policy solutions for addressing the urban land problem are suggested.


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Human settlements


Land access

Land development

Land markets

Land rights


Poverty & inequality

South Africa

Tenure security


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