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Avoiding the planning support system pitfalls?

What smart governance can learn from the planning support system implementation gap

Article image

Huaxiong Jiang, Stan Geertman, Patrick Witte

22 July 2020

SAGE Journals


uKESA Librarian 2

Journal article


The implementation of smart governance in government policies and practices is criticised for its dominant focus on technology investments, which leads to a rather technocratic and corporate way of ‘smartly’ governing cities and less consideration of actual user needs. 


To help prevent a mismatch between the demand for and the supply of technology, this paper explores what smart governance can learn from efforts in debates on planning support systems (PSS) to close the ‘PSS implementation gap’. 


By exploring both the academic field of smart governance and the debates on the planning support system implementation gap, this paper contributes to the further development of smart governance by learning from the experiences in the planning support system debates.


Abstract based directly on original source.


Website References

Built environment

City planning


Human settlements




Smart cities

Technology and innovation


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