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Delivering construction projects using innovative building technologies

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Ampofo-Anti Naalamkai

01 July 2017

CSIR Research Space


uKESA Librarian 2

Journal article

South Africa

The paper, titled "Delivering Construction Projects Using Innovative Building Technologies," introduces a specialised project delivery model aimed at public sector clients transitioning from conventional building technologies (CBTs) to Innovative Building Technologies (IBTs) for social infrastructure projects. It draws insights from global and local construction procurement literature, Agrément South Africa publications, and CSIR Built Environment research on IBTs. The research conducts a comparative analysis, assessing the compatibility of traditional contracting and procurement practises with Agrément South Africa's IBT certification requirements.

The analysis identifies necessary modifications, adaptations, and gaps in public sector project delivery processes to align with IBT certification conditions. These insights serve as the foundation for crafting a tailored project delivery model specific to IBTs.


The shift from Conventional Building Technologies (CBTs) to Innovative Building Technologies (IBTs) has significant implications for project contracting and procurement strategies:

  • Contract Selection: The transition requires a re-evaluation of contract types to align with the unique demands of IBT projects, potentially necessitating different contract structures.
  • Scope of Professional Services: A broader scope of professional services may be needed to accommodate the specialised expertise required for successful IBT implementation. This could involve engaging professionals with knowledge in IBTs and related technologies.
  • Contract Formulation: Crafting contracts for IBT projects entails careful consideration of factors such as performance guarantees, quality standards, and adherence to IBT certification requirements to ensure their successful execution.

Abstract based directly on source.


Website References

Building construction

Building materials

Built environment


Environmental management



Human settlements


Innovative Technologies

Innovative building technologies



Public sector

Service delivery

South Africa


Technology and innovation

Urban and Regional Dynamics

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