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SA Township Opportunity Atlas

Addressing spatial inequalities reflected in the townships

Article image

AfricaScope SA

01 January 2021

AfricaScope SA


uKESA Librarian 2

Story map / Data story


Why was the Township Opportunity Atlas developed? 

Many national and local government initiatives exist to stimulate township economies, but there is limited understanding of the township realities for the development of new markets for the private sector in the townships requires comprehensive information. 
Large amounts of data are available but are not available from a single source and in an easy to use geospatial format.

Real “in-township” and “out-of-township” opportunities can only be taken advantage of if clearly identified through the use of information. 

This free SA Township Opportunity Atlas Viewer provides the point location of all African/Black, Coloured & Indian/Asian townships in South Africa. 

View the sample data available within townships like Tembisa that includes:

  • public and private sector services
  • total population by age, gender and population group
  • individual and household income
  • land cover
  • Living Standard Measures (LSM)

Access the SA Township Opportunity Atlas on a Web-Mapping Platform:

  • Web-Mapping technology provides you with the tools to visualize and analyse dynamic information to solve critical, real-world challenges.
  • Simple to Navigate web based platform is used to visualise and analyse dynamic data to unlock solutions to operational challenges.
  • Transform data into a smart digital geo-visualised reality. Users are presented with analytical view of their data in a web mapping environment.
  • ​View free SA Township Opportunity data
  • Have a look at our free viewer and call us to see how we can provide information of interest to you.

Abstract based directly on source


Website References

Built environment

Data analysis



Human settlements



Population surveys

Poverty & inequality

Private sector

Public sector

South Africa

Township economies



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