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Secondary Cities and Local Governance in Southern Africa

Article image

17 January 2024

Abraham R Matamanda, James Chakwizira, Kudzai Chatiza , Verna Nel


uKESA Librarian 2



This book titled Secondary Cities and Local Governance in Southern Africa is the first to consider secondary cities' roles, challenges, and governance responses to changing circumstances in Southern Africa. Among the challenges are governance under conditions of resource scarcity, managing informality, the effects and responses to climate change, and the changing roles of the cities within the national space economy. It fills the gap in the literature on secondary cities with original case studies drawn from South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. The authors are all African scholars, working and living in the region with intimate knowledge of the settings they describe. The book is critical as it includes such regional case studies of different secondary cities in Southern Africa but also because of its multidisciplinarity: it contains substantive and pertinent issues such as climate change, disaster management, local economic development, and basic services delivery. It considers diverse environments, yet with similar challenges that could provide useful policy and governance proposals for other cities.


Abstract based directly on source.


Website References

Basic services

Built environment

Case studies


Climate Change/Resilience

Developing countries



Economic development


Government programmes


Local economic development



Secondary cities

South Africa

Urban development

Urban planning


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