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Smart City.Za Bulletin - Issue 3

Diagnosing smart city preparedness and learning from eThekwini

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The Development Bank of Southern Africa, World Bank Group

01 September 2022

Geci Karuri-Sebina, Lethu Masango


Amy Mutua, uKESA Librarian 2



South Africa

This third edition of the SmartCity.za bulletin updates the audiences on the pilot cities’ journeyings and sense of preparedness to embark upon their expanded smart city missions. It reports on the diagnostic methodology that the cities undertook, as well as on the Peer Learning Exchange held in March 2022, where the cities mutually reviewed their assessments and implications. The bulletin also reflects on important insights into how eThekwini has understood and gone about executing its smart city charge in spite of challenges along the way.


From this issue, we learn that the smart city journey does require a level of preparation and coordination – internally and externally - in order to be systematic, efficient and effective. There are reasonably established tools that can be used on an ongoing basis to assess and track institutional fitness, and there is capacity available in and beyond the state to support this.


Abstract based on original source. Back to the SmartCity.ZA collection.


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Basic services

Built environment



Human settlements



Local government


Poverty & inequality

Service delivery

Smart cities

Smart technologies

South Africa




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