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The New Urban Agenda Illustrated Toolkit

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UN Habitat

14 December 2020

UN Habitat


uKESA Librarian 3

Learning material


The New Urban Agenda, adopted at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, on 20 October 2016, presents a paradigm shift based on the science of cities and lays out standards and principles for the planning, construction, development, management and improvement of urban areas. The New Urban Agenda Illustrated Toolkit is intended as a resource for different actors in multiple levels of government and for civil society organizations, the private sector and all who reside in urban spaces of the world. The New Urban Agenda and the illustrated toolkit (consisting of two online courses and a handbook) highlight linkages between sustainable urbanisation and job creation, livelihood opportunities and improved quality of life, and it insists on incorporation of all these sectors in every urban development or renewal policy and strategy.


The New Urban Agenda Illustrated Handbook serves as the base for the New Urban Agenda online crash course. The self-paced course in two parts is available for free and accessible at any time. Access the course here (part 1) and here (part 2). The course further breaks down the contents of the New Urban Agenda in an interactive and engaging format. An official UN-Habitat certificate is awarded on completion of the course.


The New Urban Agenda works as an accelerator of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 11– Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable – to provide a comprehensive framework to guide and track urbanization around the globe. Cognizant of the fact that 95 per cent of the urban growth will be in the developing world, Sustainable Development Goal 11 sets targets and defines indicators to measure progress and growth.


The New Urban Agenda Illustrated Handbook, prepared for all urban stakeholders globally, supports a stronger understanding and implementation of the propositions contained in the New Urban Agenda. It subdivides and maps the New Urban Agenda into three chapters: 1) Core Dimensions, 2) Means of Implementation and 3) Governance, Follow-up and Review.


The handbook analyses the contents and propositions of the New Urban Agenda and their synergies with the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets, and enriches them with visual illustrations, examples from all over the world and practical propositions for action.


Throughout its different sections, it provides a snapshot of issues and challenges in the urban development sphere as they are laid out in the New Urban Agenda. It aims to address higher level policy decisions for the growth and development of cities around the world. Key topics related to sustainable urban development are explained in summary, and each can be further investigated and explored. In the bibliography section, a complete list of references is provided for the reader to further research and study.


Abstract based on source.


Website References

Built environment

Climate Change/Resilience









Human settlements


Inclusive cities






Social facilities

Solid waste




Water and sanitation

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