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The State of the Expanded Public Works Programme in South African Cities

Annual Report 2018-2019

Article image

Colleen Masango, Diane Abrahams

26 June 2020

Dave Buchanan


SACN Librarian


SA Cities Network


The South African Cities Network (SACN) Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Reference Group (RG) is a peerbased platform, comprising key city officials responsible for implementing the EPWP in their cities. This collective has continued to meet quarterly over the 2018-19 period, providing a forum in which experiences and knowledge are exchanged.

The EPWP RG continues to contribute to enhancing coordination between the cities and other role-players towards facilitating the effective and synergistic implementation of the EPWP. This forum allows for continuous and consistent generation of knowledge and the sharing of information, experiences and lessons learnt, all of which is encapsulated in the annual report.

As the SACN continues to facilitate the generation of knowledge and the sharing of information through the EPWP RG, the key objective is to ensure that all stakeholders will continue to value these annual reports and the lessons highlighted therein. The aim is for the knowledge generated to contribute significantly to enhancing job creation in South Africa, through information, reflection and important learnings based on the implementation of the EPWP– widely recognised as a flagship Public Employment Programme (PEP).

The aim of this report is therefore to highlight the progress and implementation of the EPWP by the cities in the 2018-19 year of Phase III of the EPWP. The main body of the report provides an overview of EPWP Phase III targets, the institutional arrangements that are in place, and the continuing challenges faced during implementation. 

This is followed by individual city reports (Annexure I), where the focus is on progress made, key obstacles faced and successes achieved in implementing the EPWP. The final part of the report, Annexure II, describes some best-practice case studies in selected member cities that have been documented by the RG, in an effort to support shared learning from experience.


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Built environment




Human settlements



Poverty & inequality

South Africa


Water and sanitation

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