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The use of IBTS to address housing challenges in South Africa

A case study of Av Light Steel, Potchefstroom, South Africa

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Olorunfemi Ayodeji Olojede, Sanele Mbambo, Samuel Babatunde Agbola

01 March 2021

Research Gate


uKESA Librarian 2

Journal article

South Africa

This paper entitled "The use of IBTS to address housing challenges in South Africa: A case study of Av Light Steel, Potchefstroom, South Africa'' examines how innovative building technologies (IBTs) could be used to offset housing backlog and other related challenges in post-apartheid South Africa. The key areas of assessment include affordability of the building materials, time frame for construction, and sustainability of the system. The study uses a case of AV Light Steel, along with its sister company, Tshitshirisang Construction Company, as a case study from among the active IBT system manufacturers that use light steel for housing production in South Africa. The research methodology included participatory observation as well as semi-structured interviews with system producer officials and beneficiaries of IBT products. Beneficiaries attested to the efficacy of the IBT built houses. The challenges of IBTs were found to include buy-in and marketing of products despite the many successful projects. The conclusion confirms the beneficial prospects of IBTs in solving housing backlog and related challenges in South Africa.


Abstract based directly on source.


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Building construction

Building design

Built environment




Human settlements



Innovative Technologies

Innovative building technologies



North West


Private sector


South Africa



Technology and innovation

Urban and Regional Dynamics

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