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Transforming South Africa's Cities

Prospects for the Economic Development of Urban Townships

Article image

Philip Harrison, Alison Todes, Vanessa Watson

01 February 1996


Township Studies Librarian Two

Journal article

Township Studies Group

South Africa

This article identifies and evaluates the range of strategies being used to generate economic activity close to and within townships, focusing on the three metropolitan areas of Gauteng, the Durban Functional Region, and metropolitan Cape Town. After placing townships in the context of the larger city and the overall strategy of local economic development, the article examines the various types of strategies that have been proposed to stimulate and support economic activity: the currently dominant spatial strategies, the provision of services infrastructure, the development of economic infrastructure, small business support services, and public works.


Abstract based directly on the original source


Website References

Built environment


Human settlements


Local economic development

South Africa

Spatial aspects


Township Studies Group

Township economies


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