Urban nexus and transformative pathways towards a resilient Gauteng City-Region, South Africa

The journal article, titled Urban Nexus and Transformative Pathways Towards a Resilient Gauteng City-Region, South Africa, delves into the challenges arising from the rapid urbanisation of the Gauteng City-Region. It presents innovative strategies designed to convert it into a central hub for climate action and adaptation. The authors analyse the impacts of rapid urbanisation in the region, emphasising major challenges related to land use management, service delivery (including water, energy, food, and waste and sanitation), and social cohesion. They employ geospatial techniques to assess spatio-temporal changes and variations in land surface temperatures.
The article highlights the emergence of significant issues such as massive impervious surfaces, rising temperatures, flooding, and heatwaves, which exacerbate the challenges associated with rapid urbanisation. It underscores the importance of addressing these challenges promptly to prevent them from becoming severe environmental and human health risks and threats to sustainable cities by 2030.
Abstract based on source.