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Voices of developers and municipalities

Creating more inclusive cities through cooperation

Article image

Mark Oranje, Jacques du Toit, Karina Landman, Josiah Lodi

01 January 2008

Urban LandMark


Urban LandMark Librarian

Research report

Urban LandMark

South Africa

The booklet, report and presentation are based on a study by the University of Pretoria, commissioned by the Urban Land Markets Programme. The study provides an in-depth understanding of how urban land development and governance work in practice; the political, economic, and social factors that influence urban land development and governance; and the interaction between developers and municipalities.


The study has revealed that truly inclusive cities are unlikely to become a reality in South Africa without the development of greater synergy, cooperation and mutual understanding between municipalities and developers, and municipal attention to developmental outcomes.

Website References

Building construction




Human settlements

Inclusive cities


Land access

Land use


Poverty & inequality

Private sector

South Africa


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