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Water & Sanitation - Report on Impact of COVID-19

Strategies to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 in informal settlements

Article image

Cameron Brisbane

30 November 2020

Cameron Brisbane


BESG Librarian

Research report

Built Environment Support Group


On 1 April 2020, just days after the imposition of the hard lockdown, BESG was one of 12 NGOs and social movements that were invited to engage with the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Lindiwe Sisulu, on strategies to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 virus in informal settlements where we work. Top of the list were public health information, access to water, access to toilets that are cleaned regularly, food security, and access to low cost means of maintaining personal hygiene.


Website References

Built environment



Climate Change/Resilience

Community participation


Human settlements

Informal settlements

Poverty & inequality


South Africa


Water and sanitation

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