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Novation Now (Pty) Ltd




Brief Description

Novation Now (Pty) Ltd

The company transfers systematic innovation approaches through three day workshops. The workshops are practically oriented and content and activities are designed to equip participants with innovation capabilities (Innovation knowledge, abilities, and skills).

Because systematic innovation approaches may be both taught and learned, individuals, teams, projects, and business units can effectively accelerate their innovation or R&D initiatives. This effectively produces a workforce multiplier effect, providing more and stronger innovation outcomes for products, services, processes, and systems.

The principles and methods of systematic innovation are somewhat generic and therefore lend themselves to multiple industries and disciplines and to social, organisational, or technological improvements.

Novation Now (Pty) Ltd. offers a train-the-trainer approach for organisations wishing to reach a large percentage of their workforce in an economical way.

Novation Now (Pty) Ltd



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