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2019 Global Development Conference

Main Organiser

Global Development Network

23 October 2019 - 25 October 2019


Website Link

The Global Development Network (GDN) is hosting its 19th global development conference on the 23-25 October 2019, to facilitate the research-policy interface in pursuit of the SDGs. The conference will also mark GDN's 20th anniversary since its launch at the World Bank Development Conference in 1999. GDN has kept pace with changes in the development research landscape through its activities, and its conferences in Bonn, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, New Delhi, Dakar, St Petersburg, Beijing, Brisbane, Kuwait, Prague, Bogota, Budapest, Manila, Accra, Casablanca, and Lima. 

At Bonn, four interrelated conference themes were discussed:

- From research to sustainable development action: interdisciplinary research, knowledge sharing, evidence brokering.

- The global and shared challenges of sustainable development: migration, climate change, health,etc.

- Next frontier challenges: Big Data, AI, digital transformation

- Greater local ownership and sustainability: implications for research policies and funding.

The programme lasted two-and-a-half days, during which each of the themes was discussed in 90-minute plenaries, followed by a discussion of subthemes selected through competitive calls. Other features included special keynotes, awards, essay competitions, posters, and side events.


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