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What if South Africa had a special economic zone that was actually special?

Main Organiser

Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE)

11 May 2021


Website Link

Special economic zones (SEZs) are formally defined geographic areas in which the business environment is different from that of the rest of the economy. They are places where challenges that business faces in the rest of the economy are eased. When successful, this has been the way that other countries have lifted people out of poverty and unemployment and gained access to global value chains.

In South Africa the idea of using SEZs to facilitate the emergence of more labour-intensive activities is gaining traction, including in government and the ANC.

Please join the Centre for Development and Enterprise for the release of its latest report, What if South Africa had a special economic zone that was actually special? Executive director, Ann Bernstein, will present key findings and recommendations from recent research on the topic which includes a review of international experience based on a visit to South Africa by leading zone managers and global experts. 

Abstract directly from the source.

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