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Achieving Circular Economy in Cities

Recommendations for local governments to support enabling environments for circular businesses

Article image

Daniel Adeniyi, Paul Currie, Jokudu Guya, Zakiyya Atkins

03 January 2022

ICLEI Africa


uKESA Librarian 2

Research report

South Africa

If current patterns of resource consumption continue, it will not be long before many of the earth’s resources are depleted. It is increasingly obvious that today’s linear take-make-waste economic model cannot deliver sustainable, healthy, or equitable communities. The circular economy is a growing area of interest for achieving sustainability across multiple sectors. However, for many, understanding what circularity entails seems nebulous and contentious.


To improve multi-stakeholder understanding of, and engagement with, circular economy ideas, this document was produced, to share some examples of what the circularity principles of Regenerate, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, and Recover actually mean in practice.


This catalogue demystifies circularity, unpacking five principles and associated strategies. With a focus on business approaches, the catalogue offers inspiration for entrepreneurs and businesses interested in supporting a circular transition. It is also not intended to be exhaustive, and many further ideas can and should be shared using #CircularityIs. It is a strong accompaniment to another catalogue that focuses on strategies that can be employed by the local government.


Abstract based directly on source.


Website References

Built environment

Circular economy








Local government

Macro economics


Solid waste

South Africa

Stakeholder engagement



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