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Chief’s justice?

Mining, accountability and the law in the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela Traditional Authority Area

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Sonwabile Mnwana

22 October 2014

African Journals OnLine (AJOL)


Mining Towns Librarian

Journal article

Municipal Capability & Partnership Programme

South Africa

Drawing on research conducted in the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela traditional authority area in North West Province, this article explores how the expansion of platinum mining on communal land is generating resistance to a local chief. The point at issue is the chief’s refusal to account for the mining revenues and business transactions that his traditional authority manages on the community’s behalf.


The article argues that the North West High Court’s interpretation of customary law not only leaves the chief’s unaccountability unchecked but also endorses the punishment of village activists who call the chief to account. Hence it remains extremely difficult for ordinary rural residents to challenge the chief to account for vast mineral revenues that he controls on behalf of their communities. Consequently, rural anti-corruption activists are losing faith in the justice system.


This resource is part of the Mining Towns Collection kindly sponsored by the Municipal Capability and Partnership Programme. Abstract based on source.


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Built environment

Communal territory


Community leadership


Human settlements





Mining Towns

Mining Towns Collection

Rural population

South Africa

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