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Cities and Pandemics

Towards a more just, green and healthy future

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UN Habitat, Manka Bajaj, Gianluca Crispi, Bruno Dercon, Alain Grimard, Marco Kamiya, Paulius Kulikauskas, Giulia Lavagna, Robert Lewis- Lettington, Eduardo Moreno, Robert Ndugwa, Paula Pennanen-Rebeiro-Hargrave, Laura Petrella, Herman Pienaar, Srinivasa Popuri, Andrew

01 March 2021

UN Habitat


uKESA Librarian 2


South Africa

The UN-Habitat’s Report on Cities and Pandemics: Towards a More Just, Green and Healthy Future presents an analysis of the situation of the COVID-19 in cities and urban areas after one year since the declaration of pandemic and outlines a range of bold measures that could deliver a lasting and sustainable recovery from the current crisis.


Adding to the existing evidence base on the relations between pandemics and urban areas, as well as pathways to inclusive recovery and rebuilding, this report’s analysis focuses on forces that are central to shaping cities and their functions. To guide the needed localised policy decisions, this report focuses on:

  1. Rethinking the form and function of the city
  2. Addressing Systemic Poverty and Inequality in Cities
  3. Rebuilding a ‘New Normal’ Urban Economy
  4. Clarifying Urban Legislation and Governance Arrangements


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Adequacy of shelter

Built environment





Human settlements



Natural environment

Poverty & inequality


South Africa


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