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Future Cities Africa Thought Leadership Episodes

Leadership, Service Delivery, Digital Revolution, Young Minds, Smart Cities

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Future Cities Africa

01 January 2023

Future Cities Africa


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The most recent episodes of Future Cities Africa's thought leadership series delve into significant trends, technologies, projects, obstacles, and prospects that affect cities, enterprises, and the public.


New episodes launched

  1. Visionary Leader: Zunaid Khan
    Zunaid Khan is the Executive Director for Development Planning at the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality.

    This episode dives into the key characteristics of a visionary leader, what our leaders are not getting right when leading their municipalities and teams, what needs to change and how change can happen, the focus of a leader in the Administration especially during turbulent times, how he manages the complexity of his daily responsibilities and how he prioritises what is done first.

  2. Improving City Service Delivery and Governance in Zambia
    Dr. Hanson Chishimba is a Researcher and Lecturer of Development Economics at the University of Zambia. Hanson is also the author of the book ‘Equalisation Transfers and Service Delivery in Local Authorities in Zambia’.

    This episode dives into improving city service delivery and governance in Zambia. It further explores how national and city managers are trying to overcome the challenges of inadequate service delivery which are largely attributed to inadequate technical, administrative, and financial capacities of cities.

  3. Bright Young Minds: Chuma Mbambo
    Chuma Mbambo is an Urban Planner with experience working at the SA Cities Network, as a Smart Cities Research Consultant for The World Bank, and more.

    Chuma believes that the interventions required to spatially and economically transform South African Human Settlements, particularly, previously disadvantaged black township areas, lie in the hands of their youth.

  4. Policy Design and Valuation, Investable Cities, The Digital Revolution, AfCTFA
    Yash Ramkolowan is Managing Director at DNA Economics.

    This episode dives into key challenges and solutions to policy design and valuation, emerging disruptors and opportunities, cities getting it right, how to make cities more 'investable', the current status of AfCFTA, and much more.

  5. Improving Informal Settlements in Kibera and Scaling Up Community-Driven Urban Interventions in Kenya
    Regina Opondo is a Senior Community Principal at Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI) in Kenya, and part of an exciting team of urban designers and action researchers who have worked on some exciting community-driven urban interventions across Nairobi and other cities.

    This episode explores interesting and exciting urban interventions that are happening in Kenya, like Kibera the informal settlement riverbank upgrading that makes small community parks and spaces while reclaiming rivers.

Click on this link to access all 110 Episodes.


Abstract based on original source.

Active citizenry

Adequacy of shelter


Affordable housing

Affordable housing market


Alternative technology


Basic services

Building renovation

Building systems

Built environment









Human settlements









Mining Towns


Poverty & inequality

Safety & security

Small Towns

Smart Cities

South Africa



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