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GCRO, Gauteng COGTA and Urban Planning's Spatial Transformation Symposium

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Gauteng Department of Cooperative Governance, Gauteng City-Region Observatory, Traditional Affairs and Urban Planning

31 August 2022



uKESA Librarian 2


South Africa

The Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO), in partnership with the Gauteng Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and Urban Planning (Gauteng COGTA & Urban Planning), hosted a one day symposium on spatial transformation and Gauteng Spatial Development Framework on the 18th of August 2022.

The Symposium coincided with a two month public comment phase on the Gauteng Provincial Government's draft review of the Gauteng Spatial Development Framework (GSDF 2030). The symposium brought the draft GSDF 2030 review and recent GCRO research into conversation.The discussions were led by officials driving the revision of the GSDF framework followed by a response by a City of Johannesburg official on Municipal Spatial Frameworks. GCRO researchers then provided engagements based on their research.

The various presentations provoked many engagements from the floor. One noteworthy intervention urged that the next round of GSDF drafting should be used as a device to foster intergovernmental cooperation - various branches of provincial government and Gauteng's municipalities would jointly contribute to the drafting and therefore be able to have a shared conversation about spatial transformation. 

You can download the presentations here:


Abstract based on original source. 


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Built environment



Human settlements






Poverty & inequality

South Africa

Spatial analysis

Spatial planning

Spatial transformation



Urban and Regional Dynamics

Urban development

Urban management

Urban planning

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