Inclusive Smart Cities Appropriate to the South African Context
Key Findings of a CSIR Study

01 July 2020
uKESA Librarian, Antony Cooper, Lorato Motsatsi, Mark Napier, Peta de Jager, Pierre du Plessis, Willemien van Niekerk
Research report
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
In 2019/20 the CSIR conducted a study in an attempt to clarify some of the misconceptions surrounding smart cities.
The purpose of the study was to develop a deeper understanding of smart cities in South Africa. The intention was to identify opportunities and challenges that may influence decisions when considering the development of settlements that are not only smart, but also inclusive. In conjunction with this CSIR-funded study, the team also examined “smart cities for a sustainable future” for the South African Local Government Association with funding from the GIZ Natural Resource Stewardship Programme.
This document summarises the results of the CSIR study. The aspects that are addressed include an international perspective on smart cities, a South African interpretation of a smart city, factors to consider when planning smart cities, and an outline for a draft smart-readiness decision-making framework.
Abstract based directly on the original source. Back to CSIR publications on smart cities information page.