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Linking Incremental Settlement Development and Job Creation

Article image

Ronald Eglin

01 January 2019



Ronald Eglin

Journal article


South Africa

We as a country are fast realizing that the existing approach of trying to build our way out of the housing problem is not working. We need to do things differently.

This article from the Transformer Journal explores how a shift from a housing approach that focuses on the provision of the full RDP housing product, including a top structure, to one that focuses on incremental settlement development (like the upgrading of informal settlements and managed land settlement) will help contribute towards reducing unemployment, inequality, and poverty. The article pays particular attention to how job creation and economic development can help address this triple challenge. The article looks at the job creation and economic development potential of incremental settlement approaches in comparison to the RDP approach from three perspectives:

1. The process of settlement development
2. The type of physical environment developed
3. The development support provided


Abstract based directly on the original source



Website References

Affordable housing

Affordable housing market

Built environment

Developing countries



Housing management

Human settlements

Incremental housing


Low cost housing

Poverty & inequality

South Africa

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