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Talking Transformation Podcast: NZCB Deep-Dive Series - New Episode!

Roadmap to Net Zero Carbon Buildings by 2030

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Pete Ahmad

16 February 2021

Pete Ahmad


Peter Ahmad, uKESA Librarian 2


Talking Transformation Podcast


About the series

In this four part series, the Talking Transformation Podcast panel talk about the ongoing work to mainstream Net Zero Carbon Buildings (NZCB) in South African cities. This work forms part of the C40 Cities South African New Buildings Programme and is run by Sustainable Energy Africa.


Episode 4 - New Episode

NZCB Deep-Dive Series Episode 4 (of 4): Leaving no one behind – the net zero carbon building programme & informality

Within informal settlements, “shacks” are generally built poorly out of tin and other materials. There is often limited sanitation, plumbing and electricity. So, what is the relevance of the Net Zero Carbon Buildings (NZCB) programme to these communities and others within the lower-end of the property market? 

In this concluding deep-dive session we consider:

  • The context of a severe housing backlog; will NZC retard low-income housing development through the burden of having to meet additional requirements?
  • Is NZC a luxury we cannot really afford?
  • What are the opportunities that may arise from savings for the household?
  • What are the opportunities to use alternative and more economic building materials?
  • Can Government’s state sponsored housing programme provide the impetus to lead the NZC market – particularly important during a recession.

To assist us with answering these questions, we are joined by Liana Strydom – City of Johannesburg, David Gardner - Inhlabathi Investments, and Marc Sherratt – MSSA.

Recorded: 9 May 2021

Episode 3

NZCB - Deep-Dive Series Episode 3 (of 4): Supporting market scale transformation in the building sector

In this 3rd episode of the Deep Dive Series on Net Zero Carbon Buildings, hear from four leading experts on the transition efforts of the built environment sector. The Talking Transformation Podcast was delighted to host colleagues from both the private and public sector: Lesley Sibanda and Mary Haw (City of Cape Town), Chilu Lombe (Solid Green) and Megan Sager (Sustainable Solutions). They reflect on a series of themes including: 

  • Can the private sector handle the transition and to date, what has the response been?
  • The sectors, companies and land uses - who is leading / who is following?
  • As regulation and communication techniques improve, how will owners and tenants of buildings adapt their choices and behaviour?
  • The role and importance of data informing choice, policy and targets; and
  • What are the collaborations between the public and private sector that are supporting shifts in behaviour and tactics?

Recorded: 6th April 2021


Episode 2

NZCB - Deep-Dive Series Episode 2 (of 4): Governance & Leadership – Just how ready are cities to make a shift?

Listen in to this TTPod Episode and hear from five of South Africa’ leading authorities on SA’s transition to energy efficient cities. In this episode the panel reflected on the following:

  • Are Cities ready to implement NZC-Buildings and the C40 South African New Buildings Programme?
  • How are the plans and regulations aligning – between corporate and environmental planning and between the spheres of government?
  • Who is responsible for what – Constitution vs By-laws v National Building Regulations (NBR)
  • Who leads and who follows?
  • What adaption is needed for building officials’ skills and competencies to support and facilitate the private sector and to drive professional adaption in the built environment?
  • Why is it important that cities adapt and take the lead?
  • How do we shift from strategy to action and implementation? Who else needs to make that shift?
  • How can we build in speed and efficiency in the administration to incentivise the shifts?

Recorded: 4th March 2021

Episode 1

NZCB Deep-Dive Series Episode 1 (of 4): Foundations and Aspirations

In Episode 1 of the Roadmap to Net Zero Carbon Buildings (NZCB) by 2030 series, four passionate city officials joined the podcast to discuss how they were rising to the Net Zero-Carbon challenge:

  • Discover the C40 South African New Buildings Programme within the context of city climate responses. 

  • Understand what is meant by net zero-carbon for cities, and how does this fit with the national regulatory environment? 

  • Learn about an ambitious, pioneering new direction and challenge for South African cities,

  • Share the knowledge and challenge - what do the cities have to do to move from their current status quo to net zero carbon buildings?

Guests: Liana Strydom – City of Johannesburg, Kedibone Modiselle– City of Tshwane, Lesley Sibanda – City of Cape Town and Nondumiso Mthembu – eThekwini Municipality

Co-guests: Hlengiwe Radebe and Megan Euston-Brown from Sustainable Energy Africa

With thanks to C40 Cities.

Recorded: 16th February 2021

Thanks to Sustainable Energy Africa for the journey and partnership - what a ride and learning experience.


Website References


Building design

Built environment


Climate Change/Resilience

Environmental management

Food security

Green buildings

Human settlements

Informal settlements



Natural environment

Slum areas

South Africa



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