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Talking Transformation Podcast




Brief Description

Introducing the Talking Transformation Podcast: An open conversation addressing contemporary city building and spatial transformation issues in South Africa

The Talking Transformation Podcast (TTPod) was first launched in July 2019. As of March 2022, 37 full-length interviews and episodes have been published. In addition 12 Covid Diaries, a “Deep Dive Series” on net zero carbon buildings and special bulletins have sought to keep the conversation on cities and community planning matters at the forefront of social media and audio media. The series has exceeded all expectations in its first series between July 2020 and August 2021 reaching 14,000 listens in that period.

A new series is planned from April 2022 that will continue to engage and stimulate debate and thinking to support built environment practices and thinking as we emerge from the – what we hope were – the worst impacts of Covid-19.

Episodes are typically between 40-60 minutes in length - are already in the bag and available to download and listen free of charge – no catch! Importantly, the TTPod is endorsed by the South African Council of Planners: reviews of the episode count towards Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points (https://sacplan.org.za/professional-development/).

The TTPod is presented to provide a platform and a voice for built environment professionals and interest groups who are working towards transforming places and spaces here in South Africa. And it’s dedicated to the individuals and community groups who are driving the formal and informal process that shape South Africa’s cities and spaces.

It provides an archive of material and perspectives to assist listeners to reflect on and continue conversations that all too often are being forgotten about or missed in our daily activities.

Professionals and advocacy groups working within South Africa’s cities are operating in an increasingly difficult global and national environment. Unemployment is skyrocketing; commissions are exposing some scandalous activity within the state and corporate South Africa; the economy is failing and complex issues of housing, sanitation and land tenure remain perennial challenges to households, communities and institutions alike. Covid-19 in particular laid bare the socio-economic challenges and health inequalities within our communities. Fake news and populism are threats undermining our ability to communicate effective and develop solutions that are relevant and “fit-for-purpose”.

The TTPod is focused on reflecting on and celebrating achievements and milestones: the success stories and opportunities that are out there for us to all learn from.

Podcast anchor, Pete Ahmad suggested: “I’ve been a keen follower of podcasts for a number of years but it’s always struck me that local, South African content about our towns and cities is in short supply. Lots of people come and visit and put us under an academic microscope but I’m not sure how many podcast about it. With the support of colleagues past and present and personalities from across the country we use the Talking Transformation Podcast to explore successes and review approaches used since 1994. Political destinies are being shaped by the successes or failures relating to spatial transformation. Critics suggest little has changed within our fragmented and racially divided cities and spaces. There are just so many different elements and complexities at play and the aim is to break it down into a series of episodes for listeners to engage and digest diverse themes.”

The podcast has already considered a range of topics including informal settlement upgrading, land and tenure reform, the National Development Plan and violence in communities. Skills development and the relevance and challenges of our traditional planning skills set have also been challenged in the series so far. Interviews have been concluded and lined up with some of the leading practitioners in the country across the public and private sectors, academies and the NGO spectrum.

“The TTPod deliberately tries to balance the views of the private sector, academia and advocacy groups. The aim is not to provide definitive answers but to provide a series of perspectives and reflections – allowing the listener to decide if it makes sense or not.”

As the project grows – it has already exceeded our initial expectations – we will approach a number of the professional registration bodies and see how we can use these to support the professional development certification. The South African Council for Planners has in the last month officially endorsed the podcasts as a valid Continuous Professional Development activity.”

You can follow the podcast – and leave your vocal comments if you want to contribute to a topic - via https://anchor.fm/talking-transformation-po

The podcast is also available via these other platforms: APPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/za/podcast/talking-transformation/id1472458399 SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1OKG8dGAIVCsAmPBilmSsV ANCHOR: https://anchor.fm/talking-transformation-po You can also follow the podcast’s activities via the twitter page: https://twitter.com/TalkingTransfo1

Talking Transformation Podcast



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