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Public markets can be the pulse and saviours of SA’s small towns

Article image

Marcela Guerrero Casas

18 September 2022

Daily Maverick


Phefumlela Bam

Media article

Towns Action Network

South Africa

This article describes how public markets can be the pulse and saviour of South African small towns. Not only do they bring people together, but they also generate economic opportunities and provide essential goods such as food and clothing. The article zooms into a market in Grabrouw that is located next to the town's main transport hub and has attracted vendors all the way from Cape Town to sell their goods at the market as well. The majority of informal traders trade in spaces that have not been earmarked for such activities and the articles discuss the need for improved basic infrastructure and trading permits to allow for the traders to have a sense of ownership. 


Website References

Basic services

Built environment



Human settlements



Small Towns

Social facilities

South Africa


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