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Reinventing Mining - Creating Sustainable Value

Introducing the Development Partner Framework

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Peter Bryant, Mark Cutifani

01 January 2013

KIN Catalyst: Mining Company of the Future


Mining Towns Librarian

Guide/ Handbook

Municipal Capability & Partnership Programme

South Africa, Mexico, Brazil

The Kellogg Innovation Network (KIN) in partnership with Anglo American developed this partnership framework, seeking to provide a bridge that takes us from the insular current state of the mining industry to a more innovative and collaborative future. While they acknowledge the positive progress the mining industry has made in developing its sustainable mining practices agenda, they seek to inspire and encourage the industry to truly stretch beyond its current “innovation sandbox”.

The KIN Catalyst at the Kellogg School of Management is described as a neutral platform, bringing together explorers, experimenters and risk takers to go beyond what an individual organization or industry can imagine.

The KIN’s Development Partner Framework was co-created by a diverse coalition of “dreamers” looking to define a collaborative pathway towards a new vision for the mining industry and its role in society. It seeks to inspire and support the mining industry to adopt a new way of thinking and a new approach to how it secures, nurtures and progressively revitalises its social license to operate. Partnerships between communities, businesses, governments and investors with a focus on development where it matters most can help to improve the lives of all.

They believe that the adoption of this Development Partner Framework can be a catalyst for economic sustainability and promote a healthy planet for all.

This resource is part of the Mining Towns Collection kindly sponsored by the Municipal Capability and Partnership ProgrammeAbstract based on source.


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Built environment


Human settlements



Mining Towns

Mining Towns Collection

South Africa

Stakeholder engagement

Sustainable development

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