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South Africa Census 2022

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Statistics South Africa

17 October 2023

Statistics South Africa


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Council for Scientific and Industrial Research


Census 2022 was the fourth census taken since the advent of democracy, with the other three being conducted in 1996, 2001 and 2011. Census 2022 was the first digital census by Statistics South Africa (StatsSA). One benefit was that the census results were released within 12 months of data collection. This achievement is attributed to deploying real-time data collection instruments/tools, geographic frames, data collection applications and systems, data processing, and automated coding. Census 2022 adopted a multi-mode data collection approach.


 Three methods of data collection were used, namely:

  • Face to face interviews - Computer-assisted Personal Interview (CAPI);
  • Telephonic interviews - Computer-assisted Telephone Interview (CATI); and
  • Computer-assisted Web Interview (CAWI).

Key StatsSA census pages

  • Census web portal - The Census web portal is an online platform designed to provide access to comprehensive data, reports, and information related to the South African Census. 
  • Media release - This is a StatsSA media release for the Census 2022 population count.  
  • Census 2022 Statistical Release (PDF, 3.59 MB) - This is a full report of the results of the Census 2022.
  • Post-Enumeration Survey (PES) 2022 Statistical Release (PDF, 1.77 MB) - A Post-enumeration Survey (PES) is an independent sample survey that is conducted immediately after the completion of census enumeration in order to evaluate the coverage and content errors of the census, in this case, Census 2022. 
  • Provinces at a Glance (PDF, 3.92 MB) - This is a report detailing the significant findings and statistics from the 2022 South Africa Census, offering a succinct yet informative view of the demographic, social, economic, and geographic features of each province. It aims to provide a concise snapshot of the key aspects of each province's population and its social and economic characteristics as per the data collected during the 2022 Census.

Media and other reporting on the Census

  • South African population grew to 62 million last year, census data shows - This article discusses the significant increase in South Africa's population to 62 million in 2022 from 51.8 million in 2011, highlighting demographic composition, including the predominance of Black Africans, and the growth in the number of migrants, notably from Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Lesotho.
  • Census 2022: Most South Africans have access to water and electricity - This article highlights South Africa's substantial progress in expanding secondary education access, electrifying homes, and providing piped water, as well as the growth of the population to 62 million in 2022, with President Cyril Ramaphosa commending these advancements following the release of Census 2022.
  • SA's population swells to 62 million – 2022 census - This article discusses the notable 10-million increase in South Africa's population over the last decade, with comparisons made to previous census data from 2011 and the 1990s, reflecting a significant growth rate and demographic changes in the country.
  • Statistical surprises: Key results from Census 2022 for Gauteng (PDF, 2.49 MB)  - This report gives a summary of the results of the Census 2022 for the Gauteng province.
  • How much can we rely on Census 2022? - The article highlights concerns raised by experts about the substantial undercount of 31% in the recently released Census 2022 data, emphasising the potential implications and the need for further analysis.
  • South Africa’s 2022 census: has Johannesburg stopped growing, or are the numbers wrong? - The article delves into the importance of South Africa's recently released Census 2022 findings, with a focus on the surprising indications of remarkably low population growth in Gauteng and Johannesburg, as observed by urban scholars and planning practitioners.
  • South Africa’s 2022 census missed 31% of people - big data could help in future - The article reflects on South Africa's recently released Census 2022 results, emphasising the significant undercount of 31% and suggesting a need for Statistics South Africa to integrate big data, highlighting the potential challenges and suggesting the re-imagination of the census process.
  • The shifting landscape of South Africa’s informal settlements - This article addresses the persistent challenges of housing in South Africa despite the Census figures indicating a reduction in the proportion of informal dwellings, and against the backdrop of difficult economic conditions, emphasising the prevalence of overcrowded informal settlements and urban apartments as the primary housing options for many struggling households.

Abstract based on source.

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