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Roadmap for Science, Technology and Innovations for Sustainable Human Settlements

A roadmap to deploy innovations and technology to achieve green, smart and sustainable human settlements in the context of 4IR Industrial Revolution

The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), in partnership with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Smart Places and the National Department of Human Settlements (DHS), have embarked on a process to define and develop a ten-year (2020–2029) Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Human Settlements Roadmap (STI4SHS) as a long-term implementation, investment and transition plan to deliver significant socioeconomic impact for South Africa.
The Roadmap serves as a transformative policy framework designed to guide, stimulate investment, embed, expand and institutionalise niches and initiatives at systems level that should be supported to achieve transition to smart settlements through innovation over the next ten years.

It also serves as an implementation plan to guide implementation and scaling up of technologies and innovations in the Sustainable Human Settlements sector in support of the National Department of Human Settlement’s Innovation for Transformative Technologies Framework, the STI White Paper, the DSI Decadal Plan and the White Paper on Sustainable Human Settlements and ultimately support and position government as an enabler of innovation in society.

More information about the STI4SHS Roadmap is available on YouTube.



Website References

Built environment

Climate Change/Resilience


Global warming


Human settlements


Innovative Technologies

Innovative building technologies




Smart South African Cities

Smart cities

Smart technologies

South Africa



Water and sanitation

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