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The performance of innovative building technologies in South Africa’s climatic zones

Article image

Dr Dirk Conradie

01 January 2014

CSIR Research Space


Book chapter

South Africa

The performance of innovative building technologies in South Africa’s climatic zones chapter quantifies the thermal performance of a cross-section of Innovative Building Technologies (IBT) in South Africa's climatic zones. An IBT in the context of this chapter means a South African Agreement-certified building system, but the term excludes masonry, which is currently predominantly used in South Africa. A misconception exists that IBTs are inferior to masonry construction and furthermore that heavy-weight construction such as masonry is preferable within the South African context. Previous chapters, Maximising the Sun (Conradie, 2011), SA Climate Zones and Weather Files (Conradie, 2012), and Appropriate Passive Design Approaches for the Various Climatic Regions in South Africa (Conradie, 2013) detailed various aspects of the South African climatic characteristics that impact directly on the design of comfortable and energy-efficient buildings. The latter introduced some quantification of the appropriate passive strategies that are effective within particular climatic regions. In said publications, the new CSIR Köppen-Geiger map was introduced to support the study of the South African climate. This map was used as a background climatic grouping method in a number of research projects to quantify appropriate passive methods to make structures within the different climatic regions more comfortable.


Abstract based directly on source.


Website References

Building performance analysis

Built environment

Climate Change/Resilience

Climatic zones




Environmental management


Human settlements

Innovative Technologies

Innovative building technologies





Natural environment


Regional development

South Africa


Technology and innovation

Urban and Regional Dynamics

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