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South African Council for Planners




Brief Description


“Reinventing Planning, Changing Lives”

The South African Council for Planners (SACPLAN) is the statutory Council established in terms of the Planning Profession Act, 2002 (Act 36 of 2002) for the Planning Profession.

SACPLAN assures the quality of planning qualifications (such as degrees and diploma’s) offered by educational institutions. This relates to professional registration because any person who intends to register as a planner in any of the categories in terms of the Act must have completed a qualification that has been accredited by SACPLAN. In addition, registered planners are expected to engage in continued professional development (CPD). The core business of SACPLAN is to regulate, monitor, and manage the Spatial Planning Profession and -industry in South Africa by protecting the public’s interest, whilst serving the Spatial Planning Profession.

The true mark of a planning practitioner is recognized through the use of the following designations:
• Professional Planner (Pr. Pln)
• Technical Planner (Tch. Pln)

These practitioner titles carry considerable prestige and an indication that competent planning professionals are capable to accept professional responsibility for the planning work performed. The designation does therefore validate the planning professional’s knowledge, experience and commitment to working to highest standards. It confirms that the registered professional is working under Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

South African Council for Planners


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