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9th International Conference on 'Urban e-planning' IJEPR 2025 Annual Conference

Main Organiser

Urban e-Planning Research Network (UEPNET)

5 May 2025 - 7 May 2025

Lisbon, Portugal

Online Conference

Website Link

The International Conference on Urban e-Planning is the main annual meeting of the 'Urban e-Planning Research Network' (UEPNET). It will have its 9th edition in 2025. These conferences have been promoted in articulation with the International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) and were hosted at the U. Lisbon from 2016 to 2024.

This event is a multi- and interdisciplinary forum for the exploration, presentation, and discussion of innovative theoretical and empirical research on Urban e-Planning. It seeks both theoretical works and empirical research on ground-breaking approaches, innovative methods and new digital tools in the field of Urban e-Planning. The Conference also welcomes short presentations with a more practical orientation. 

Following the successful Conferences held from 2016 to 2024, the 9th IJEPR International Conference on Urban e-Planning, as the previous eight, aims to explore how the current digital transformation in the field of urban planning can serve the common good.

The growing number of digital innovations creates numerous opportunities and challenges for urban and regional planners around the world.

Submit the abstract, of no more than 250 words, by 15 February 2025, to ijepr.conference@gmail.com. For more details, see Abstract Submission.

Event description based directly on original source.

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