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Africa Energy Indaba 2024

Main Organiser

Africa Energy Indaba

4 March 2024 - 7 March 2024

Cape Town International Convention Centre(CTICC), Cape Town, South Africa


Website Link

The Africa Energy Indaba 2024 will be a physical in-person event, with all conference sessions, side events, and the exhibition taking place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, South Africa. Africa Energy Indaba is a full physical and in-person event, no content will be streamed online.


The Africa Energy Indaba Conference will discuss, debate, and seek solutions to enable adequate energy generation across the continent. Delegates, drawn from all continents, represent an unrivaled combination of industry experts, project developers, financiers, energy users, government officials, and manufacturers.


Event description based directly on the source.

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Website References

Conference Partners

African Union Development Agency

Event Location

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