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Habitable Futures - Adapting Policy in a Changing Climate

Main Organiser

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research


17 October 2024 - 18 October 2024

CSIR International Convention Centre, Meiring Naudé Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, South Africa


Website Link


CSIR, as a proud partner of the Horizon 2020 HABITABLE project, is hosting a two-day interdisciplinary policy adaptation event. This event will showcase recent innovations and findings from the HABITABLE project and the CSIR Smart Places cluster, exploring their implications for climate change adaptation policy. Presentations will focus on key interdisciplinary concepts that affect the habitability of social, ecological, and economic systems. Topics will include the impact of climate change on mobility and migration, gender and equity, urban and rural settlement design, and climate change adaptation.


For more detail, download the draft programme (PDF, 218KB). 


To register go here.


HABITABLE is a multi-year research project focused on significantly enhancing our understanding of the connections between climate impacts and migration and displacement patterns to better predict future climate-mobility interactions. It brings together 22 partners, including universities, research centres, NGOs, and UN agencies, from seven different countries: Mali, Senegal, Ghana, South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Thailand. It is the largest research project on climate change and migration ever funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program. For more information, visit habitableproject.org.

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