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IWRA XVII World Water Congress

Main Organiser

International Water Resources Association (IWRA)

29 November 2021 - 3 December 2021


Website Link

The objective of the World Water Congress is to provide a meeting place to share experiences, promote discussion, and present new knowledge, research results and new developments in the field of water sciences around the world. For almost four decades the World Water Congresses have been excellent events for the identification of major global themes concerning the water agenda, and for the bringing together of a large cross-section of stakeholders for the development and implementation of decisions in the field of water.

The event will cover 5 major themes across various cross-cutting issues. These themes include building resilient systems for climate change, growing populations and epidemics; maximising social, cultural and economic benefits; adopting smart technologies, policies and processes; securing healthy waters, catchments and ecosystems; and implementing pathways for development and cooperation.

Event description directly from the source.

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