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Peoples data on land, what for?

Main Organiser

International Land Coalition

23 August 2022

16:00 - 18:00


Website Link


Data is key to decision-making.

The generation of and free access to data tells us something about the priorities and concerns of those who generate it, while the absence or restriction of access to data also tells us something about the priorities and concerns of those who generate it. Data generation has usually been the task of governments and intergovernmental agencies, but increasingly unofficial data - complementary to official sources - is being generated through the rigorous work of academic and civil society actors, feeding into discussions and decision-making on critical issues such as land. However, the positioning of this type of data has been a challenge, as its legitimacy is questioned, limiting its potential use.

This webinar will share the results obtained from the implementation of the LANDex in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, the ways in which they have been used, and the challenges for the positioning of complementary data, particularly those generated by people.


  • To learn about the results of the implementation of LANDex and the different ways in which it has been used in the 8 LAC countries.

  • To reflect on the existing challenges for the use and positioning of complementary data, particularly those generated by people.

Event description is based directly on the source.

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