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Main Organiser

Stadt Koeln

18 May 2022 - 21 May 2022


Website Link

Cities are the living space of the future. The whole world is driving improvements in how people work, live, and move around in cities. Existing movement patterns are being transformed, mobility and connectivity using state-of-the-art technology are reorganized, and a new urban life redesigned. This transition encompasses many aspects of urban life: Digitalisation & networking, infrastructure & urban development, the environment, diversity & participation.

polisMOBILITY, the networked, international event for cities in motion, is rethinking the topic and presenting the future of mobility and urban life as an experience, interactive event, and expo. At the trade fair, in the city, and in digital form. With 3 formats and many topics. Innovative, vibrant, and inspiring - as a holistic, shared experience that is open to everyone.

Event description is based directly on the source.

Conference Partners

Deutscher Staedtetag


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