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Sustainable Mobility Requires a New Policy Approach Today

Main Organiser

Open Learning Campus

13 September 2021 - 8 October 2021


Website Link

The contribution of transport to economic development and human capital is undeniable. Our lives and livelihoods depend on mobility that transport enables. This dynamic has become even more clear as mobility systems were temporarily ground to a halt by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The current global mobility system is unsustainable and the demand for moving people and goods only continues to rise. The imperative for action in transport has never been greater, but the traditional approach of working on a project-by-project basis proved ineffective in delivering the systemic changes in the transport systems needed globally. Furthermore, policy-making in transport has fallen short in terms of breadth and depth to strategically assess, measure, coordinate, and ultimately deliver sustainable mobility to its citizens and affected stakeholders. Is there a better way to design transport policy? Under the Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) partnership a coalition of more than 50 international organizations embarked on that journey in 2017 and developed a data-driven set of new tools to change transport policy. This four-module virtual knowledge exchange event will cover:
(1) key dynamics and challenges that impose a new approach in transport and adaptive tools,
(2) framing the ambition of sustainable mobility, and measuring country performances on mobility, using the Global Tracking Framework for transport;
(3) generating a tailored action plan with the most impactful policy measures, and finally
(4) the experience of testing and implementing this approach with lessons learned and what the future holds for collaboration and engagement at the country level.

Key topics to be explored include sustainable mobility and transport with a focus on development in sustainable development, data & technology, open government and citizen engagement, and equity and inclusion.

Abstract directly from the source.

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