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Alternative building technologies may be a boon to South Africa’s informal human settlements crisis, but are not a panacea

Article image

Ronnie Siphika

15 January 2023

Daily Maverick


uKESA Librarian 2

Media article

South Africa

This article notes that as much as it is commendable that the current Minister of Human Settlements is calling for urgent interventions to mitigate the devastating losses caused by runaway fires in informal settlements, it is important to note that even the most innovative building techniques may not be enough.

Addressing the root causes of these fires, such as poverty and lack of access to basic services, should also be considered. Providing emergency relief and rebuilding homes is important, but does not address the underlying issues that led to the fires in the first place. There needs to be a comprehensive approach that includes addressing socioeconomic issues, providing access to basic services, and involving the affected communities in the decision-making process.


Abstract based directly on source.


Website References

Built environment


Cost of living


Home improvement

Human settlements

Informal settlements

Innovative Technologies

Innovative building technologies


Service delivery

South Africa

Technology and innovation

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