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An impact evaluation of area-based interventions in Cape Town using multivariate regression analysis

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Township Studies Group, Herman Geyer

01 January 2016


Township Studies Librarian Two

Journal article

Township Studies Group

South Africa

Area-based initiatives are popularly applied to alleviate the spill-over effects of neighbourhood poverty in deprived neighbourhoods. This study analyses the effects of two area-based initiatives on neighbourhood poverty in Cape Town between 2001 and 2011 in a controlled baseline study. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the changes were the product of policies themselves or wider structural changes  in  the  national  economy,  and  what  were  the  specific  outcomes  of  the policies. The study revealed that, despite some minor gains, these policies were ineffective in reducing poverty levels in the policy areas, and that poverty levels are primarily determined by the broader changes in the economic environment and in-migration.


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Human settlements


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Poverty & inequality

South Africa

Township Studies Group

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